Lead magnet creation can be a complex process, but producing audio downloads is as close to “easy” as it gets.
In previous articles, I described how you can create eBooks and reports, and video tutorials to ethically bribe folks to sign on to your email list.
In this one, I will briefly describe how to offer your material as mp3 audio downloads.
The Technical Stuff
Now, keep in mind, this is not about the technical “how to”. Let me just say that it’s pretty simple if you do some simple information searches for “how to make an mp3 with …”. You’ll need to fill in the blank depending on what sort of computer and operating system you have.
I will tell you quickly, that I use a MAC, and have a ridiculously simple method for making audios. I create a “video” on Screenflow. It is formatted to pick up audio from an external mic. I use the “Blue Snowball” that can be purchased rather cheaply from the Apple Store.
After I’ve completed the “video”, I use Garage Band to “rip” the audio track and have it processed as an mp3 or podcast.
Now, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t worry. Whatever computer and equipment you use has easy solutions for the actual recording and processing of an audio product.
The Production
Now this is the really important part.
It’s time to sit down and actually record your audio.
I have a fairly simple method for doing this.
Decide what valuable information or training you want to give people so they’ll be compelled to opt in to your mailing list.
Make a simple outline of 5 or 6 key points that you want to talk about.
Now, summarize those key points in an ending wrap up to your audio.
Last, write an introductory paragraph that tells people you are going to tell them all about “xyz”, and that when you’re done they will have learned whatever your “wrap up” says they learned. Basically, you just insert your summary paragraph into the introduction.
You can actually read your introductory and summary paragraphs if you want. Or you can just talk from your experience and expertise. What’s important is that it should not sound like you’re reading. Whether or not you are is immaterial.
You should be familiar enough with your subject matter that it’s not necessary to do anything more than outline your key points. However, if there are things you need to remember, especially facts or figures, you could have those written in front of you.
Practice, Practice, Practice
If it’s your first time around the block with mp3 production, my best advice is this: just do it.
Don’t make it great, maybe not even good.
Just do it.
Again and again and again, until you start feeling comfortable producing audio products. I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be really surprised how quickly you’ll start feeling like a pro.
The more often you practice this skill within a short period of time, the better you’ll get at it. But do it over a short period of time.
It’s far better to make 10 audios in 5 days, than to make 20 over 3 months. Don’t ask me why, that’s another article altogether. Just take my word for it here, and complain to me later if you didn’t think it worked for you. (But it will).
Make Your Pitch
Once you’ve got an mp3 audio download link with your lead magnet creation, you’re in business.
So, now it’s time to pitch it to your readers and visitors.
Don’t tell them what they’ll learn, tell them how their lives will be improved and their problems solved by your fantastic and free mp3 download.
Invite them to leave their name and email address on your optin form, and they’ll have a link to your audio emailed straight to their inbox.
Pretty simple, as product creation goes.
I’d love to have your social shares and comments below. Are you ready to make an audio download your next lead magnet creation?