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From Sex To Soap, “Micro Niche” Sites Sell Stuff


Micro Niche SitesIf you’re trying to make money online, you might try selling stuff: stuff like sex, soap or anything else. One great method for doing this is to create a micro niche site.

A micro niche site is simply a website that is designed to sell one particular product. For instance, you might want to sell something about relationships. That would come under the niche generally referred to as “sex and relationships”.

So if you have a product about repairing a broken marriage, for instance, that would come under the niche category of “sex and relationships.”

But if you were trying to sell an affiliate product, maybe an audio-video course called “Spice Up Your Sex Life Fix Your Marriage By Eating Avocados” (I don’t think such a thing exists; at least I certainly hope not) – then you’d be entering the realm of a micro niche…   a tiny niche within a broader one.

Some of the earliest pioneers in marketing through mass media were the soap sellers. These were the people that sponsored the so-called “soap opera” in the early days of television.

Soap still sells today.

You would typically consider soap to be in the “personal care” niche, and it might include deodorant, perfume, beauty products.

Or you might define a micro niche for something like “car soap”, a soap that is specifically designed to be a non-abrasive yet effective for cleaning just your car.

=Selling Stuff On Your Micro Niche Site

The idea with online marketing is to try to sell things that are in a micro niche.

For instance “sex and relationships” is a niche.  Marriage is a micro niche.

So if you’re selling the “Avocado” course to make your marriage better, you’d likely be selling it to a micro niche market more than a mass or even niche market.

The more narrowly defined your micro niche becomes, the fewer people will be interested in your affiliate product.  Because of that, though, the more likely you will be to make your site stand out in a crowd and compete with other sex and soap sellers.

For instance, if you were to sell a course called “All about Sex and Relationships”, you’d probably have the potential to reach millions of prospects.

However, this would be a very competitive category, and you would be bumping up against some of the big money promoters of very popular sex and relationship guidance books, tapes and videos.

They’d probably bury your marketing efforts because of the sheer power of their large advertising budgets, and their ability to pay so much more than you could for “front page” visibility.

However, if you were to sell a course about how to improve your sex life by eating avocados, you would be far more likely to attract prospects to your site.  That’s because you would be zoning in on a more narrowly defined micro niche.  That means fewer people would be interested in your topic, but because of that, not as many “big money”
competitors would be driving up your costs and burying your ads.

=How Do You Make Money With A Micro Niche Site?

You need several things.

First, you need a product to sell.

And preferably, your product will be in a micro niche.

So, for instance, if you’re going to sell something in the niche of “sex and relationships,” you might promote our little course about how to improve your sex life with avocados.

Perhaps it’s an Clickbank or JVZoo offer. It could even be an Amazon product.  It doesn’t really matter where the product comes from.

The main thing is you get an affiliate link with rights to sell the product.

Then you need a website to sell the product on.  This is the special website we’ve been calling a micro niche website.

The fastest and cheapest way to do this is to create a WordPress blog, and employ it as a micro niche site simply by virtue of selling nothing except how to improve your sex life with avocados (to use our familiar example).  

This is really the key concept behind the micro niche site.

Again, you sell NOTHING except one single product.

Your micro niche site, using our example, might have two or three articles about how sexual performance is improved by eating avocados.

Perhaps something about how this can indirectly save your marriage.

In addition, you may have a free offer on the site to create a mailing list of prospects, but more typically you’ll simply be selling a product and nothing else. A micro niche site is not really built for list building as much as direct selling.

So you might have an article about how avocados improve your sex life and at the end of it you say something like “to learn more about sex and avocados, please click this link”.

The link will then send readers to your affiliate product’s sales page.

Now, you’re done with your sales effort, and it’s up to the vendor to close the deal.

Ultimately, the visitor to your micro niche site will end up either buying the product or not.

If they buy it you will make a commission.  If they don’t, you won’t.

=How To Market Your Micro Niche Site

Next thing yon need to do is to market your micro niche site.

This is typically done through SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO is a way to get your micro niche site ranking in the first page of the Google search engine so that people searching anything about improving their marriage or sex life would have an opportunity to find your affiliate “Avocado” product.

You could get massive amounts of traffic if the search engines have ranked your micro-niche site in the top 10 search results.

There are many ways to SEO your site, but that’s not the topic of this blog post.

In addition to SEO, other ways to market your micro niche site might include shooting a video about the topic, or offering a free e-book or Ezine article on the topic your product is related to.

Anything you do to promote the “Avocado” idea will give you an opportunity to share your affiliate link with targeted, potential buyers.

Micro niche sites are an extremely powerful way to sell affiliate products without wilting under a back-breaking paid advertising budget.

I’d love to hear your feedback, and appreciate your sharing this article on your social sites. 

I’d especially like to hear if you’ve had personal experiences with marketing affiliate offers with your own micro niche site.

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